The First Baptist Church of Campinas held the Church of Total Life Seminar on 13-15 September 2013, and at the time the whole church went into the field to preach from house to house. View photos
This is a church that meets the Jesus GO, and is always in search of the lost sinner there where he is. See recent pictures of home visitation at home.
Preparing to take to the streets to share Jesus from house to house
The proclamation of the gospel house at home.
Pastor Odilon,
As I have always accompanied the advance that God has given the VTI and this gladdens my heart.
I am a Multiplier VTI because Exalt the Savior, Equipping the Saints and Evangelize the Sinner is the mission of my life. I want to live it and be remembered for this. Our Church has responded very well to this biblical understanding of the mission of the church. This year we are evangelising twice a week, it is still shy, but victory is tremendous. God willing, we will make two missionary trips in São Paulo and receive in July to the Trans Neves. These will be days of great advancement. The NEB's continue. The theme this year is: Prayer, Evangelism and Discipleship. We believe that God will do the exploits that we lack.
Pastor Rodrigo Odney
Visit the site of PIB in Pompeia
View photos of VTI seminar held in our church.
Exalt the Savior, Equip the saints and evangelize the sinner is the mission of my life is the mission of GDP and pray that is also the mission of his life. This is the biblical mission that God gives to his church independent of social class, level of education and professional career. Every disciple of Jesus is called to live a full life of worship to God.
While gathered church exalting the Savior and equip each other. Jesus will always have the preeminence in our midst because He is the Head of the Church, is the Head of GDP. Jesus Christ is the Lord of this Church through His Word - the teaching of sound doctrine - and the aegis of the Holy Spirit leads his pastor, his leadership and the church in the decisions that are taken.
While scattered Church evangelize the sinner. Do not depend on events to proclaim the Gospel of God, though we use them, however, our focus is to seize the opportunities that our God gives us in our daily lives. Be with our neighbors, with our co-workers in casual encounters, finally, we are a church that recognizes that evangelization does not depend on the calendar, but by harnessing the opportunities.
We are witnesses of what God has done over the years in which Jesus Christ has been exalted in preaching, teaching, in hymns and songs, the relationships we build. Our joy in truly see that mutually serve each other in the exercise of talents and gifts that the Spirit of God gives us for the edification of the church.
Avancemos Church. Let us continue in the total experience as a Church of God which is to reflect the glory of God and to be instruments in the hands of the Redeemer who transforms our lives and those we share Jesus. We proceed as believers who seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit to fulfill God's purposes.
Together we are more, Pr. Rodrigo Odney
PIB in Pompeia - Ministry of July 20, 2014
Pastor Fernando Pasi is the VTI multiplier in Italy. As Volunteer Coordinator of the Ministry VTI in Europe, much has helped in reaching nearby countries like Albania, Moldavia and Romania. We praise God for the life of Pastor Pasi.
Total Church Life seminar at Chiesa Evangelica Stazione di Fed
VTI Seminar in Chiesa Battista Logos
See other seminars held in Italy with the coordination of Pastor Fernando Pasi