Author: Pastor Odilon dos Santos Pereira
Coordinator - Brazil and Portuguese-Speaking Language. 


Total Church Life is not one more church grow program rather it's a Biblically based strategy that will help any church to reach its community for Christ through a contextualized evangelism. It helps a church to be a First Century church in a twenty-first church world.

When the church is focused on a strategy, it keeps its programs and activities spinning around its greatest goal, which is the salvation of the world. TCL strategy is based on three "E" s which sum up the purpose of the church:
Exalt the Savior
Equip the Saints
Evangelize the sinners

The focal point of Total Church Life lies in the spiritual health of the body, the church. The basic verse is Colossians 1.18 "...He is the head of the body; He is the principle, the first born among the dead, for whom there is pre-eminence in everything". The body is healthy when it is completely obedient to the head, Christ.

If the church is healthy, it will reach out to people and naturally will grow. The growth of the church is a result, not a goal.

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